Shoulder Popping: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments | Inertia Physio (2024)

Shoulder popping, a common concern among athletes and active individuals, can be both worrying and irritating. As you try to pinpoint the cause of this unsettling sensation, it's important to understand the possible underlying issues and when to seek professional assistance. In some cases, the popping may be painless and attributed to relatively harmless factors; in others, it could signal a more serious underlying issue.

Shoulder anatomy is complex, which can make it difficult to determine the exact cause of the popping sound or sensation. It could be due to a variety of factors, such as muscle imbalances, joint instability, or even a labrum lesion. For example, a popping noise while throwing a baseball could be indicative of an instability or sudden injury. Identifying the root cause is essential when addressing this issue to prevent further damage and ensure proper treatment.

At Inerta Physio, we specialize in understanding and treating shoulder conditions, including those that cause popping sensations. Our professional staff will help you navigate the complexities of shoulder anatomy, evaluate potential causes for your shoulder popping, and guide you in the appropriate course of action to alleviate your symptoms. Remember, early intervention can significantly improve your chances of a successful recovery and a return to normal activities.

Common Causes of Shoulder Popping

Rotator Cuff Tears

Rotator cuff tears are a common cause of shoulder popping. The rotator cuff is composed of four muscles and tendons that help stabilize the shoulder joint. When a tear occurs, it can cause pain and limit your range of motion. These tears can result from acute injuries or degenerative wear and tear. An orthopedic surgeon may be required to treat severe cases.

Labral Tears

The labrum is a ring-like structure that surrounds the shoulder socket, providing stability to the joint. Labral tears can cause a popping sensation in the shoulder and may have similar symptoms to rotator cuff tears. These tears often occur due to repetitive overhead movements or traumatic injuries to the shoulder.


Shoulder arthritis is another common cause of shoulder popping. Arthritic changes in the shoulder joint can lead to a grinding or cracking sensation during movement. As the cartilage between the bones in the shoulder joint wears down, it can result in a reduced range of motion and pain.


Bursitis is the inflammation of a bursa, a small fluid-filled sac that reduces friction between tendons and bones in the shoulder. When bursitis occurs, it can cause a popping sensation and limit your range of motion. The discomfort experienced from bursitis is typically triggered by movement, making it an important aspect to discuss with your orthopedic specialist.

At Inerta Physio, we understand how important your shoulder health is. By familiarizing yourself with these common causes of shoulder popping, you can better advocate for your needs and seek appropriate care from an expert in the field.

Painful Shoulder Popping and Injuries

Snapping Shoulder Syndrome

Snapping Shoulder Syndrome, also known as scapulothoracic bursitis, is a condition where you may feel or hear a snapping, grinding, or clicking sound in your shoulder during movement. The sensation may be accompanied by pain, and it can occur due to an inflamed bursa or the movement of tendons over the bones in the shoulder.

Glenohumeral Instability

Glenohumeral instability refers to the loosening of the joint capsule and ligaments surrounding the glenohumeral joint, leading to shoulder instability. If you experience painful shoulder popping, this condition may be the culprit. A combination of shoulder pain, popping sensations, and occasional joint dislocation can indicate glenohumeral instability. To address this issue, Inerta Physio recommends seeking professional evaluation and appropriate treatment to stabilize the joint and reduce discomfort.

Severe Injury or Condition

In some cases, painful shoulder popping may be a sign of a more severe injury or condition, such as a torn rotator cuff, labral tear or even an undisplaced fracture. These injuries could cause pain or warmth in the affected area and may significantly impair the shoulder's function. If you suspect a severe injury or condition, it is crucial to seek immediate medical attention. Early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent further damage and ensure a better recovery.

Non-Painful Shoulder Popping

Shoulder Crepitus

Shoulder crepitus refers to the popping or cracking sounds you may hear around your shoulder without experiencing pain. This sensation can occur when moving your upper arm, which is usually caused by the natural rubbing of tendons or ligaments against bones. You may notice this when raising or rotating your arm. Crepitus does not typically indicate a problem, but if it's accompanied by pain or discomfort, it's essential to consult a professional like Inerta Physio.

Joint Cracking

Another reason for non-painful shoulder popping may be joint cracking. This happens when the gas bubbles in your joint fluid make an audible noise as they collapse. You might hear your shoulder popping or cracking when you perform daily activities such as lifting or reaching overhead. Joint cracking is generally harmless, but if you experience pain or swelling alongside the sound, it's important to seek advice from Inerta Physio.

Natural Movements

Natural movements of the shoulder, such as the rotation of the upper arm bone, may also cause popping sounds without pain. The shoulder is a complex joint, and its components -- muscles, tendons, and bones -- can produce noise during regular movement. Hearing popping or cracking in these cases is not usually a cause for concern. However, if the popping is persistent or accompanied by other symptoms, consider consulting Inerta Physio for a thorough evaluation and assessment of your shoulder health.

Remember, non-painful shoulder popping can be due to a variety of harmless factors. However, it's always essential to monitor your symptoms and consult a professional like Inerta Physio if you have concerns or notice changes in your shoulder's function or comfort.

When to See a Doctor

Shoulder popping can be alarming, especially if it's accompanied by pain or other symptoms. While occasional shoulder popping doesn't always indicate a serious issue, it's essential to know when to consult a medical professional.

If you're experiencing pain alongside the popping noises in your shoulders, visiting a doctor is highly recommended. Pain is a strong indicator that something is amiss, and it may signal an underlying condition requiring medical attention. In some cases, the combination of popping and pain might suggest a more serious injury, such as a dislocation, tear, or rotator cuff damage.

Note any additional symptoms like swelling, instability, or limited range of motion in your shoulder. These are elements that could signify a problem requiring a prompt evaluation by a doctor. Inerta Physio's professionals can assess your situation and provide the necessary recommendations.

In conclusion, be vigilant and listen to your body. If your shoulder popping is causing discomfort, interfering with daily activities, or accompanied by pain or other worrying symptoms, do not hesitate to seek medical advice. Early detection and intervention are vital to ensuring adequate recovery and maintaining your shoulder health.

Preventing and Managing Shoulder Popping

Shoulder popping can be a sign of an underlying shoulder condition, or it can result from injury or repetitive motions that inflame the joint. To prevent and manage this issue, you can focus on three main areas: Strengthening Exercises, Range of Motion Exercises, and Lifestyle Modifications.

Strengthening Exercises

Regularly performing exercises to strengthen the muscles around your shoulder joint can reduce the likelihood of painful clicking and cracking. This will help support the joint and prevent the shoulder from becoming inflamed. Some strengthening exercises you can incorporate into your routine include:

  • Rotator cuff exercises: These target the small muscles that help stabilize your shoulder joint.
  • Scapular stabilization exercises: Focus on the muscles that connect your shoulder blade to your rib cage, providing additional support to your shoulder.

Remember to start with lighter weights and gradually increase as your strength improves. Consult with a professional at Inerta Physio for personalized guidance on the most suitable exercises for your particular situation.

Range of Motion Exercises

Maintaining a good range of motion in your shoulder joint can prevent stiffness and allow the shoulder to move freely. Range of motion exercises help you maintain flexibility, making it easier to move your arms without encountering painful sensations. Some examples of range of motion exercises are:

  • Arm swings: Gently swinging your arms in a controlled manner helps to maintain flexibility in the shoulder joint.
  • Shoulder circles: Slowly rotating your shoulder joint through its full range of motion, in clockwise and counterclockwise directions.

Never force a movement that causes pain or discomfort, and be sure to warm up before your exercise sessions.

Lifestyle Modifications

Making adjustments to your daily activities and habits can greatly impact the health of your shoulders. To prevent your shoulders from clicking, cracking, or popping, try the following:

  • Posture awareness: Maintaining a proper posture during your daily activities can help avoid putting unnecessary strain on your shoulder joint.
  • Breaks: If you have a job or hobby that requires repetitive arm movements, take breaks to allow the shoulder to rest and recover.

By following these guidelines and working with a professional from Inerta Physio, you'll be on the right track to maintain healthy, pain-free shoulders.

As a seasoned physiotherapy expert with a comprehensive understanding of shoulder anatomy and related conditions, I have had extensive experience in addressing issues like shoulder popping in active individuals and athletes. My expertise stems from years of clinical practice, continuous education, and a commitment to staying abreast of the latest developments in physiotherapy.

In the article on shoulder popping, the concepts cover a range of shoulder-related issues, their causes, and potential treatments. Let's break down the key concepts discussed:

  1. Shoulder Anatomy Complexity:

    • The shoulder's complexity is highlighted as a factor that makes pinpointing the cause of popping challenging.
    • Various factors contributing to shoulder popping are mentioned, including muscle imbalances, joint instability, and labrum lesions.
  2. Common Causes of Shoulder Popping:

    • Rotator Cuff Tears:
      • Describes rotator cuff tears, their impact on shoulder stability, and the potential need for orthopedic intervention.
    • Labral Tears:
      • Explains the role of the labrum in shoulder stability and how tears can result from repetitive movements or traumatic injuries.
    • Arthritis:
      • Discusses shoulder arthritis, emphasizing the impact of cartilage wear on range of motion and the potential for pain.
    • Bursitis:
      • Describes bursitis as inflammation affecting the friction between tendons and bones, leading to a popping sensation.
  3. Painful Shoulder Popping and Injuries:

    • Snapping Shoulder Syndrome:
      • Introduces snapping shoulder syndrome, linking it to a snapping, grinding, or clicking sound during movement, often accompanied by pain.
    • Glenohumeral Instability:
      • Explores glenohumeral instability as a cause of painful popping, presenting with a combination of pain, popping sensations, and occasional joint dislocation.
    • Severe Injury or Condition:
      • Highlights that certain instances of painful shoulder popping may indicate severe injuries like rotator cuff tears, labral tears, or fractures.
  4. Non-Painful Shoulder Popping:

    • Shoulder Crepitus:
      • Describes shoulder crepitus, a non-painful popping or cracking sound during movement, and its usual benign nature.
    • Joint Cracking:
      • Explains joint cracking due to gas bubbles collapsing, emphasizing its general harmlessness.
    • Natural Movements:
      • Acknowledges that natural movements of the shoulder, like rotation, can produce non-painful popping sounds.
  5. When to See a Doctor:

    • Emphasizes the importance of seeking medical attention when shoulder popping is accompanied by pain or other symptoms, as it may indicate a serious issue.
  6. Preventing and Managing Shoulder Popping:

    • Strengthening Exercises:
      • Recommends rotator cuff exercises and scapular stabilization exercises to strengthen shoulder muscles.
    • Range of Motion Exercises:
      • Advocates for arm swings and shoulder circles to maintain flexibility and prevent stiffness.
    • Lifestyle Modifications:
      • Suggests posture awareness and taking breaks to reduce strain on the shoulder joint.

In summary, the article provides a comprehensive guide to understanding shoulder popping, its causes, and appropriate interventions, with a focus on early detection, professional consultation, and preventive measures. If you have any concerns or notice changes in your shoulder's function or comfort, seeking advice from a professional, such as Inerta Physio, is recommended for a thorough evaluation and tailored treatment.

Shoulder Popping: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments | Inertia Physio (2024)
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